Teaching Learning Centre Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (Under PMMMNMTT, MHRD)

Educators for 21st Century Engineers

The workshop was meant for engineering and science teacher.

Abstract:Contemporary engineering education has moved beyond the traditional focus on imparting subject-specific technical knowledge to the inculcation of broader skills in critical thinking and analysis. Given the current demands of the society, where engineers are increasingly employed in multifarious roles in a multicultural and multinational environment, there is now emphasis on the evolution of interdisciplinary courses. Therefore as engineering educators our roles become more diversified. The aim is now to produce global engineers with emphasis on transferable skills. At the same time, we have to be aware that the current generation, Gen Z, is different from previous generations. Therefore, teaching methods and evaluation strategies have to be adapted to the changing needs of the youth. Teaching and research need to go hand-in-hand and have to be inclusive of social and environmental awareness.